Dell Enters Three-year Partnership with Camara

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Dell has partnered with Camara, a non-profit organization, to provide and improve disadvantaged students’ access to ICT in education. The project will involve establishing e-learning centers in Benincasa School in Blackrock, Dublin, and St Gabriels School, Dooradoyle, Limerick. Dell will provide both schools with 68 devices, including Dell Inspiron laptops and Dell XPS tablets. The program will run for three years and aims to provide access to technology and, hence, improve computer literacy skills. This will, in turn, improve the quality of education the students receive in other subjects. A combination of support from Camara and Dell will see teacher training being carried out to ensure all staff can use…

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Forward Thinking at The Open Innovation 2.0

Open Innovation at Dublin Castle

Open Innovation 2.0 Conference at the Dublin Castle Dublin Castle was the venue for the world’s first Open Innovation 2.0 conference in May as part of Ireland’s EU (European Union) presidency. Intel Labs Europe’s Martin Curley spoke to Grainne Rothery about the new concept of innovation. The markets where innovation is making a strong impact are listed at the bottom of this article and recently updated. The adoption of a new paradigm, Open Innovation 2.0 (OI2). The OI2 will be “the catalyst that unleashes a virtual Cambrian explosion” of European innovation. Martin Curley and Bror Salmelin of the European Commission’s Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) wrote in their…

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Expert Group Urges Arrears Assistance Program for Homeowners

Business and Leadership Ltd.

A report by a government-appointed expert group charged with examining the problem of mortgage arrears in Ireland has recommended that a new Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) should be introduced across the financial industry in order to offer help to homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments. The Expert Group on Mortgage Arrears and Personal Debt, which is headed by Hugh Cooney and also includes the Financial Regulator Matthew Elderfield, has recommended that all lenders develop an industry-wide standard Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) and calls for improved communication from lenders for homeowners who are in arrears in their mortgage. It also recommends banning penalty interest or arrears charges for…

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Future Business: Disruptive Innovation

Dr Trish Gorman

Future business: disruptive innovationDr Trish Gorman In the first article in Business & Leadership’s new ‘Future Business’ series published in association with Vodafone, Sorcha Corcoran explores the concept of business agility in reacting to changing customer needs. The expression ‘if you snooze, you lose’ has to be resonating increasingly with the business community as the world hurtles through unprecedented change and consumers become ever more demanding. The past ten years have brought us pervasive internet connectivity, cloud-based applications, mobile devices that connect everywhere, remote working, and digital innovations that create newly empowered customers. (See The Open Innovation 2.0 ) And with rapid technological advancement and high consumer expectations has come an increased level of…

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BofA Merrill Lynch Announces Support for Trinity College Dublin Library

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Announces TCD Library as 2014 Art Conservation Project grant recipient

Bank of America Merrill Lynch has announced that Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Library will receive funding to conserve, research, and digitize four early Irish manuscripts through the company’s 2014 global Art Conservation Project. Since 2010, Bank of America Merrill Lynch has provided grants to museums in 27 countries supporting 71 conservation projects. Once conserved, the manuscripts will be made available via TCD Library’s digital collections and exhibited alongside the Book of Kells, the Book of Durrow, and the Book of Armagh at TCD Library. The grant will fund the treatment, technical examination, digitization, and art historical study of four of TCD Library’s most important early medieval Irish manuscripts: the Codex Usserianius Primus, the Garland of…

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Bill Gates – Consistent Innovator

Bill Gates

Bill Gates from 2007Photo source: Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft, the company which created the Windows operating system. He is credited as an entrepreneur who revolutionized the computer industry. He is consistently the richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of $90 billion in 2016. A Short Biography From a very young age, Gates was fascinated by computers. In the eighth grade, he already showed an unusual interest in computers and even skipped his Math class to pursue programming. He went to Harvard College after scoring 1590 out of 1600 on the SATs. However, at Harvard, rather than studying, he spent most of his…

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Luke Sample – BookProfits Program – Rockstar Internet Marketer?

Luke Sample – Rockstar Internet Marketer

Photo: Capitalize on Amazon’s incredible continued growth by co-owning the land where their MASSIVE warehouses reside and get paid ROYALTIES in the Amazon Royalty Program ! Luke Sample co-founded BookProfits (along with Jon Shugart ), a training program and software that helps entrepreneurs leverage part-time book trades for full-time profits.  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? In what ways does that relate to what you do now? Well if we go WAY back, when I was very young I wanted to be a “garbage man”. They had the coolest job to me which was standing on the back of the truck while it was moving, and tossing…

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Les Cseh – ASAP Checks

Les Cseh,ASAP Checks

Business Leadership Interview Questions for Les Cseh / ASAP Checks It is rare in this new economy to find a company leader focused and loyal to the employees and the local communities. Meet Les Cseh of ASAP Checks. With a location on the beautiful St. Lawrence River in upstate New York, Cesh’s company has provided a stable and challenging work environment while leaving a small footprint on the environment. Cseh’s company has printed millions of checks since being founded in 1996 and owns a sister company in Canada. Cseh believes in giving back to the local community and is a strong supporter of the local Salvation Army and food back to help the less fortunate get back…

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Jon Shugart – CEO of BookProfits Program

Jon Shugart-CEO of Book Profits

Whether it was through marketing automation or the use of big data, Jon Shugart of BookProfits (along with his partner, Luke Sample ) has tackled problems that very few others have gone after solving. However, that is what gets him excited the most, and the more difficult the challenge, the more ready he is to jump in with both feet and get to work to solve it. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? In what ways does that relate to what you do now? I have always gravitated towards solving problems, even when I was young. Math was my favorite subject and I always felt I…

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