CCMA Ireland call centre jobs fair

500 vacancies on offer at CCMA Ireland call centre jobs fair

CCMA Ireland call centre jobs fair
500 vacancies on offer at CCMA Ireland call centre jobs fair

Amazon, BSkyB, PayPal and EA Games are among the companies that will be taking part in the CCMA Ireland Contact & Shared Services Centre Jobs Fair later this month, at which more than 500 vacancies will be on offer.

The event will take place in the Burlington Hotel in Dublin from 10am to 7pm on 26 February. Companies with vacancies that will be participating include: Amazon (Cork), Arise (Limerick), BSkyB (Dublin), CarTrawler (Dublin), Chill Insurance (Dublin), EA Games (Galway), eBay (Dublin), Eishtec (Waterford and Wexford), Marriott International Global Reservations & Customer Care (Cork), PayPal (Dublin and Dundalk), ServiceSource (Dublin), TrendMicro (Cork), VoxPro (Cork) and Zevas (Cork).

A series of free seminars on getting  a job in the contact centre and shared services sector, including information on matching training with jobs and learning how to job transition, will take place at 12pm, 2pm and 4pm.