Heartbleed Encryption Vulnerability Bug – What Can You Do?

Heartbleed vulnerability – what is it and what do you need to do?

Heartbleed vulnerability – what you need to do to protect yourself

Earlier this week it was announced that the OpenSSL cryptographic software library has a severe weakness called the Heartbleed Bug.

There is a new security warning which has been covered recently in the news which has elevated the stress in many computer users. It has been dubbed the ‘Heartbleed vulnerability.’

What exactly is the Heartbleed vulnerability bug?
The Heartbleed vulnerability affects SSL, which is the technology that keeps your information private while you surf the internet. When you buy something online you have probably seen a padlock on the URL bar; this “lock” tell you that your information is kept safe from hackers.

So what is exactly is wrong with SSL?
The issue is not directly related to SSL, but the technology, which has a flaw. This flaw can allow for your information to be accessed by an unknown third-party.

Am I in danger? 
In a word, yes. While not you personally, as in physically, but your information, mainly your credit card or banking information which can affect your financial status. This can also mean your passwords could be compromised.

How do I correct this?
You can’t fix this, as it must be fixed by the sites you visit on the web.

How do I tell if I have been affected by this problem?
Unfortunately, you can’t tell if your information has been breached. However, securing the future is a priority.